Saturday, January 16, 2010

Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

This article deals with important panic disorder topics. It covers panic attack symptoms, causes and treatment. Read carefully if you suffer from this disorder.

Panic attacks are sudden feelings of intense fear or terror. They may strike the victims without warning. Such attacks can occur any time of day or night. They might occur even during sleep.

A person may think he or she is having a heart attack. The symptoms are very similar to heart attack. The victim may even think that he or she is going to die. Such is the intensity of panic attacks.

A few symptoms of panic attack are:
  • racing heart,
  • dizziness,
  • numbness in hands and fingers,
  • difficulty in breathing,
  • rapid, shallow breathing,
  • severe pain in chest,
  • nervousness and shaking,
  • intense fear or anxiety,
  • worried that something terrible is going to happen
How Long Does Panic Attack Last?
Duration of panic attacks may vary for people. It usually reaches peak intensity within a couple of minutes. Then it may slowly start diminishing. It may last from 20 minutes to even hours.

Even after the attack subsides, its effects remain. You may be constantly worried about another attack. It only resembles heart attack but is different. To be on safe side, get your heart condition checked. If doctor confirms that your heart is in good condition, you can rest assured that it was probably a panic attack.

Why Panic Attacks Happen?
There may be several causes behind this disorder. Family history is one of the causes. If parents suffer from it, children might inherit it.

Another reason could be abnormalities in the brain. Drugs and alcohol might also be responsible. In some cases, stress may play a part. It may occur due to too much stress or major grief in life.

The good thing is panic attacks rarely cause real harm. They may look threatening, but don't do much damage. Hardly anyone is known to die from it.

Another good thing is that people have been cured. There are several stories of people recovering from it. You don't have to put up with it all your life.

Panic Attacks Treatment
Now the question arises - whom to approach for help. Panic attacks may usually treated by psychiatrists. Treatment may involve taking medicines along with behavior therapy. Behavior therapy is considered very effective in treating this disorder.

It involves changing overt behavior through various techniques. Some of the popular techniques are systemic desensitization, relaxation training etc.

However, you have to be careful about medicines. Taking medication for panic attacks is not a good idea. Medicines can cause serious side effects. It is best to avoid them until absolutely necessary.

Best to take medication only in severe cases. That too with doctor prescription, not on your own. Its great if you can manage without medication.

Other alternative treatments include aromatherapy and using herbs. Some people even try hypnotherapy. So, many forms of treatments are available. You can opt for something which is most comfortable or convenient.

Likewise, many program exist in the market. Most of these programs are developed by ex-sufferers. A very popular program is called - "Panic Away". You can check it out by clicking here.

This article discusses in further detail which methods are effective - Panic Attacks Treatment

In this article we covered many things. We discussed the main symptoms of panic attacks. We also touched upon the reasons they occur. It should now be clear why panic attacks happen.

Knowing panic attacks symptoms and causes is the first step. Then we talked about various treatment options. Finally, I pointed out a popular program to check out (called Panic Away).

Hope this article was useful in gaining a deeper understanding of panic disorder problem.

Related Articles:
Trick the Brain to Stop Panic Attacks
Stop Panic Attacks Naturally and Quickly

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Natural Cures for Panic Disorder

Natural cures for panic disorder work just as well or probably better than those involving drugs.

Taking drugs or medication for panic attacks treatment have known to cause side effects and maybe even addiction to those drugs in some cases. Hence it is better to avoid such methods.

Why Natural Cures for Panic Disorder are Best
Sticking to natural cures for panic disorder is probably the safest and best route you can take for treating this disorder. After all, panic or anxiety have to do with psychology and mind. The drugs might cause more harm than good in the long run.

Sure, taking medications might seem beneficial in the short term as you get immediate relief. But most of the time, the relief is temporary and the feelings of anxiety, panic and increase in heart beat may increase over time.

On the other hand, natural cures for panic disorder may not at all be difficult to implement. They can have lasting results and relief can be without any harmful side effects.

For more such natural cure for panic attacks, head over to - Panic Solution Program

Related Articles and Resources for Panic Attacks
  1. How to Deal with Panic and Anxiety Attacks
  2. Panic Attacks Treatment
  3. How to Stop Panic Attacks

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Learn How to Deal with Panic and Anxiety Attacks

Panic and anxiety attacks are very common disorders affecting a lot of people in everyday life. How to deal with panic and anxiety attacks is a common question from such people.

What happens is that in a situation which you view as threat to your existence, your body will prepare for a fight or flight situation. Now you can subconsciously perceive even harmless situations as dangerous and threats.

A lot of it might depend on your childhood background or beliefs formed during those times or later in life.

One of the best ways to deal with panic and anxiety attacks is to correct beliefs that might be causing the problem. Positive thinking might work but only if you believe what you are thinking.

Thoughts like "I can deal with this problem", "I am relaxed" etc might be completely meaningless if you don't believe them.

Here is a resource to learn how to deal with panic and anxiety attacks

More help on how to deal with anxiety and panic attacks:
Usually this problem arises out of worry or anticipation. Your worry about what is going to happen will compound this problem. Try not to think along these lines.

Imagining the worse can also cause problems.

How to Deal with anxiety and panic attacks through relaxation techniques:
Being physically and mentally relaxed is key to dealing with this problem. Try out slow and deep breathing. Breathe through the nose, and release it slow---ly through the lips.

Finally, do remember that these are treatable and they are unlikely to cause you much harm anyways. What I advice is to opt for a treatment that does not rely on medication.

For such a medication-free treatment, try out - Panic Away or Panic Solution.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Panic Attacks Treatment - What Doesn't Work & What Works

There are many different methods of panic attacks treatment. Let us discuss a few which are not effective or good for long term success.

What panic attack treatments do not work?

1. Drugs & Medication: Anti-anxiety drugs can give fast results by reducing feelings of anxiety. Usually within 30 minutes you may feel a little bit calmer and more sane.

But let us look at just some of their side effects - aggressiveness, hallucinations, fatigue, memory impairment, suicidal tendencies, depression, addiction, heart problems with continued use, insomnia etc.

Oops! Such dangerous side effects - I would prefer to stay at an arm's length from the anxiety medicine.

2. Hypnotherapy - This form of treatment has come in for a lot of criticism. Mostly because there seems to be no scientific basis for this kind of therapy.

Also, the results are hard to measure and moreover this form of therapy might be difficult for people. Furthermore, they cannot learn this on their own.

Then, What Works for Panic Attacks Treatment?
Do you want to know what panic attacks treatment does work?

I will mention 2 programs below, you can take a pick.

1. PanicAway: It involves a technique which the developer's of this program have called "One Move Technique". Use of this technique can help patients eliminate panic attacks as well as reduce general anxiety levels.

You can start feeling more confident of leaving your home, driving, flying, traveling, public speaking, meeting people, and getting rid of uncomfortable thoughts.

Visit their website to get more details - Panic Away Program

2. Panic Attack Solution: This program has been developed by an ex-panic victim. The program targets the root causes of panic and anxiety in order to eliminate them forever.

The program talks about techniques to eliminate panic attacks forever. It also addresses issues for people with hypoglycemia (low sugar levels), physical illnesses, psychological problems etc. The program also talks about treating depression and enhancing self-esteem.

Have a look at the program here - Panic Attack Solution Website

The above 2 programs will help in drug-free elimination of panic attacks and will teach important behavior changes to easily handle stress, anxiety, worries and unsettling thoughts. Go ahead and try any one or both!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Am I Having a Panic Attack? How to Be 100% Sure!

Are you worried that you may be having panic attacks but are not sure?

People without previous experience of panic attacks may be wondering what is happening to them and they will start wondering - "Am I having a panic attack or a heart attack?"

The racing of heart is one of the common symptoms of panic attacks and hence it may lead many people to doubt whether they are having a heart attack or not.

So how can you be sure that it is just a panic attack?

First of all, you need to check whether you have a history of heart ailments or not. Do any of your family members have heart related ailments?

Secondly, there are other symptoms associated with panic attacks like feeling dizzy, tightness in chest, rapid shallow breathing, sudden and intense fear or anxiety etc.

However most of these feelings would normally last for a short time like 10 to 20 minutes. In some cases, the symptoms may stretch for longer period, but mostly they will last just for this much time.

The first step is to visit your doctor and confirm that your heart is in good condition. Second step is to confirm that the panic attack symptoms do not last for too long a duration.

If both the steps are confirmed you can be a little confident that it is just panic attacks. However you cannot still be 100% sure. In order to be 100% certain that it is just panic attacks you need a complete examination by a qualified doctor or therapist.

Until extensive examination is done you cannot guarantee it is not heart related. But to give you immediate sense of calm, the 2 steps mentioned above should be excellent for a start.

Other Differences Between Panic Attacks and Heart Attack:
One major indication of a heart attack is shooting pain in the left arm which generally occurs before a cardiac arrest. This doesn't mean that in panic attacks you should not get panic in left arm - you could.

So if you do feel a pain in left arm, do not conclude that it is definitely a heart attack. You need to take medical advice before reaching any kind of conclusion.

Caution: Since it is a matter of your health and heart, do not neglect or delay this. Get 100% confirmation through examination by medical expert that it is just panic attacks and not heart attack. Then you can rest in peace as panic attacks are not known to be dangerous.

I have given you a 2 step method to find out with little bit of certainty that it is not panic attacks. But then to be 100% sure, you have to do a complete examination of yourself at the hands of an expert.

If its really panic attack, then here is a good program you can check out to deal with it - Panic Away Program

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tips to Prevent Panic Attacks - Trick the Brain, Stop the Panic

One of the major problem with panic attacks are not the attacks themselves, but constant thinking and worrying about when you will get the next attack.

Effective tips to prevent panic attacks should address this problem and help you overcome thinking about it all the time.

Once you have had a few panic attacks, your mind may repeatedly dwell on the prospect of another such occurrence. This can make you avoid various kinds of situations, places and people. Needless to say, new problems are likely to arise in your life.

When any thought becomes an obsession in your mind, it is difficult to get rid of it in a hurry. However the good thing is that the human brain can get tired and bored of thinking the same stuff repeatedly over a period of time. When the brain gets bored of a thing, then it would no longer want to think about it.

The same can be true for your fears, phobias and panic disorder. So one of the best tips to prevent panic attacks is to make yourself feel really bored of thinking about it. Instead of trying to get rid of the thoughts on panic attacks, make an attempt to get your mind bored of it.

Simple Technique to Stop Thinking About Panic Disorder
One interesting technique would be to to constantly and repeatedly think or say to yourself - "I am getting bored of this now" or "I am already bored of this now", "this panic stuff is so boring" etc.

Repeating such phrases out aloud or in your mind for a few days can trick your brain to get bored of the panic attack thoughts pretty soon. Isn't it a neat little trick?

Finally, if you want a panic attack solution which has been tried and tested by many people, then click here now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally and Quickly

Here are a few natural cures for panic attacks which many panic sufferers do not know or do not pay much attention to. But they are very vital if you want to overcome the problem permanently.

How to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally:

1. Learn Relaxation techniques:
Most panic attack sufferers find it difficult to manage stress and be adequately relaxed. It is probably for this reason that they are getting panic and anxiety attacks.

So you need to learn how to lead a relaxed life. For this you have to learn proper relaxation techniques which help relax you physically as well as calm you mentally. Physical relaxation exercises and calming your mind by focusing on just one thing and keep thinking just about that to the exclusion of other thoughts, are a few examples of relaxation therapy in order to cure panic attacks.

You can add mental imagery like imagining a pleasant scenery in vivid detail. The benefit of this is it can induce feelings of calmness and peace in you as you spend 15-20 minutes a day (or more if required) imagining such a pleasant scene and diverting your mind away from stressful thoughts.

2. Sufficient rest:
Do not neglect sleep. Proper and healthy sleep is essential for human fitness. You should try to get quality sleep. Even if you sleep for 7 or 8 hours but the sleep quality is not fine, then you will not feel completely rested.

So you have to learn proper sleep habits like maintaining regular sleeping routines (sleeping and waking at fixed times), comfortable sleep postures, well ventilated room etc.

3. Positive Thinking:
Thoughts affect your behavior and actions. Weak or negative thoughts will produce similar behavior. If you are in the habit of constant worrying or telling yourself that you will not be able to handle such and such thing, it will result in anxiety and unnecessary stress.

It is better to take control of your mind and thoughts. Begin the habit of constantly thinking empowering thoughts. You can remind yourself that you can do this, you can handle such and such problem, you are brave, you are strong, things will hopefully work out fine in the end, things will hopefully turn for the better soon etc.

Such positive and empowering thoughts and encouraging self-talk can provide you with necessary courage, determination and strength to boldly face your panic disorder and emerge victorious.

Final Advice
If you can learn physical and mental relaxation, develop healthy sleep habits and have a positive outlook of life then things can start getting better. Constantly practicing the above tips can be helpful in learning how to stop panic attacks naturally and easily.

If you want a step by step method to completely cure yourself from panic attacks then head over to - Panic Away Program Tried by Hundreds of People