Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally and Quickly

Here are a few natural cures for panic attacks which many panic sufferers do not know or do not pay much attention to. But they are very vital if you want to overcome the problem permanently.

How to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally:

1. Learn Relaxation techniques:
Most panic attack sufferers find it difficult to manage stress and be adequately relaxed. It is probably for this reason that they are getting panic and anxiety attacks.

So you need to learn how to lead a relaxed life. For this you have to learn proper relaxation techniques which help relax you physically as well as calm you mentally. Physical relaxation exercises and calming your mind by focusing on just one thing and keep thinking just about that to the exclusion of other thoughts, are a few examples of relaxation therapy in order to cure panic attacks.

You can add mental imagery like imagining a pleasant scenery in vivid detail. The benefit of this is it can induce feelings of calmness and peace in you as you spend 15-20 minutes a day (or more if required) imagining such a pleasant scene and diverting your mind away from stressful thoughts.

2. Sufficient rest:
Do not neglect sleep. Proper and healthy sleep is essential for human fitness. You should try to get quality sleep. Even if you sleep for 7 or 8 hours but the sleep quality is not fine, then you will not feel completely rested.

So you have to learn proper sleep habits like maintaining regular sleeping routines (sleeping and waking at fixed times), comfortable sleep postures, well ventilated room etc.

3. Positive Thinking:
Thoughts affect your behavior and actions. Weak or negative thoughts will produce similar behavior. If you are in the habit of constant worrying or telling yourself that you will not be able to handle such and such thing, it will result in anxiety and unnecessary stress.

It is better to take control of your mind and thoughts. Begin the habit of constantly thinking empowering thoughts. You can remind yourself that you can do this, you can handle such and such problem, you are brave, you are strong, things will hopefully work out fine in the end, things will hopefully turn for the better soon etc.

Such positive and empowering thoughts and encouraging self-talk can provide you with necessary courage, determination and strength to boldly face your panic disorder and emerge victorious.

Final Advice
If you can learn physical and mental relaxation, develop healthy sleep habits and have a positive outlook of life then things can start getting better. Constantly practicing the above tips can be helpful in learning how to stop panic attacks naturally and easily.

If you want a step by step method to completely cure yourself from panic attacks then head over to - Panic Away Program Tried by Hundreds of People

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